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Andrew Collier
Andrew is a civil engineering graduate who builds full stack web apps. He has experience in such varied topics as land use planning, environmental compliance, and transportation visualization. A current resident of Boston, Andrew develops with NodeJS + Polymer by day and D3js by night.
Dr. Evan Coopersmith is a research scientist at the USDA's Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory in Maryland. He received his B.S. in Operations Research and Financial Engineering from Princeton University, and an M.S./Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in Civil and Environmental Engineering, specializing in mathematical modeling and predictions of environmental systems. Evan has developed forecasting tools for everything from commodity futures prices to dissolved oxygen levels near the Gulf of Mexico to soil moisture readings throughout the continental U.S.
Ari has worked in several transportation fields, including car sharing, transit and transportation demand management—and also out in the woods. He likes to play with data and in his spare time rides bikes, cross country skis, orienteers and runs, especially if trails and hills are involved.